Kiva Loan Repaid

From the reader who earlier recommended Kiva:

“exciting stuff! My christmas loan is being paid back already.”

Here is the letter from Kiva:

Dear [Kiva Sponser],

The business you have loaned to, trade of vegetables run by Hayom
Ayomov, has made a repayment of $91.00. The total amount repaid is now
$364.00. This repayment will be divided amongst all the lenders who
helped to fund this business, depending upon the percentage each lender

Best wishes,

Kiva Staff

Kiva gives microloans to small entrepeneurs. For more information, click here. To see the Faith Matters prior post on Kiva, click here.

3 Responses

  1. exciting! tabitha first told me about kiva loans last year! i investigated it further last month when i chose it for my speech topic. i hope to get involved soon, i’m thrilled to see that you have!!!

  2. oh, this is claudia! 🙂 i just realized my username doesn’t give any indication to which alterman, (unless, of course, you had my birthdate memorized 7/13/88 :))

  3. Thanks Claudia. Good to hear from you. Have you been getting my photos from Scotland?

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